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Testimonials MERIT

We asked experts in their field for a short statement on what effects the MERIT technology will have on the industry. Hear from them directly about the background of our concept and their experiences with REMEX developed Non-Ferro technology.

Increased business value

Dr. Andreas Bechmann, Managing Director MAV

"Every new development requires somebody to lead the way. MAV was the first company in Germany to implement the new non-ferrous technology MERIT."

"My team and I are thrilled with the new HEROS technology. As MAV, we were the first company to set up this facility in Erftstadt, together with experts from HEROS and REMEX.

Within only eight weeks of implementation, we were able significantly increase our metal extraction levels and improve the quality of the processed bottom ash.

The extracted non-ferrous metals are shipped to HEROS in the Netherlands, where they are transferred into a quality for direct processing at the smelting plant.

The MAV group recycles approximately 900,000 tons of bottom ash per year. Therefore, it’s extremely important for us to use innovative and economical technologies.

This project has shown that the new technology can be implemented successfully in an existing processing plant, setting the way for the continuous growth of our group."

Product management perspective

Dipl.-lng. Astrid Onkelbach, Head of Marketing and Product Management REMEX

"Innovative processing of mineral waste serves a clear purpose: to improve the quality of the recycled products."

"From a product management perspective, the development of the new technology is very important. Because by taking our more metals from incinerator bottom ash, the ash itself becomes much cleaner.

If you consider that our overall goal is to recover as many raw materials as possible from the ash, this new technology is one important step towards that goal. It also has a significant financial impact.

On the other hand, we are talking about the improved quality of the ash itself. That we do by applying and using new technology like our hydro-mechanical treatment. That is a kind of washing machine where we clean the ash further.

That together with our 3D-sieving technology gives us material qualities that can already be used for asphalt and concrete. Some years ago, nobody could imagine that that would ever happen.

We do this under the GRANOVA brand in order to promote the acceptance of the material itself but also to increase the use in high-quality applications in the market."

Engineered for optimum results

Dipl.-lng. Christian Knepperges, Head of Technical Development MAV

"Cooperation in a team of highly qualified employees is a prerequisite for the successful development of new ideas and technologies."

"Together with HEROS, our department has advanced the development of the new non-ferrous technology and ensured its successful integration into our IBA processing facilities.

The technology is essentially a ballistic separation process, which classifies and at the same time sorts the material flow.

The biggest challenge was to implement an essentially simple technology in such a way that it can be adapted variably and with minimal effort, thus taking care of fluctuations in material and environmental parameters. Only this will ensure an optimum efficiency.

To achieve this, the material feed was individually designed, allowing for numerous adjustment options on the separating vertex and air nozzle.

In addition, the air velocity of the air stream can be easily adjusted as needed; the same applies to the speed of the feeding conveyor belt.

The result is a guaranteed optimum operation of the new technology in a field where variations in material and environmental parameters are the norm."

REMEX GmbH // Section REMEX Processing